John L. Sullivan
world heavyweight champion
1882 - 1892
vintage photo



A vintage original photo of former world heavyweight champion John L. Sullivan... Sullivan is shown in his later years posing with a young child... Labeled on the reverse "John L. Sullivan the fighter & adopted son"... A very clear and vivid image!!



      It is beyond serious dispute that the greatest achievement of Sullivan's extraordinary life was his complete victory over his greatest enemy, alcohol. For nearly a quarter of a century, with infrequent and usually short interruptions, he had drunk at a pace that would have killed an ordinary strong and healthy man in less than half that span of years. Then, abruptly, he stopped drinking and never resumed. That he stopped abruptly is not surprising-he was not the kind of man who ever tapered down (or up) on anything. But that he stopped permanently is an astonishing fact indeed. Sullivan was a man of very strong character, and when he had wanted a drink in the past he had never permitted any resolution he might have made in a weak moment to interfere with the satisfaction of his desire. But this time it was different. He made up his mind, not simply that he was going to stop, but that he was never going to drink again. And he never did.  

Nat Fleischer - John L. Sullivan Champion Of Champions


measures: 9 x 7"
condition: some creases, tears and corner chips confined to
outer edges. Photo will mat nicely.

$16 shipping & ins.

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a properly matted view
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